Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another Batch of Thumbnails

Here's another set of thumbnails. These are a little tighter, especially the written notes, because I was offering suggestions to another animator for a sequence he was working on.

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Monday, November 05, 2007

More Thumbnails

As a follow-up to my last post (and in response to munchanka's comment), here are some planning thumbnails from a shot I did last week for a friend's short film. As you can see, they're pretty rough and crappy, but they did the job of helping me think through my shot in advance, which is all you need.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007


A large percentage of the pages in my sketchbooks are filled with animation planning thumbnails, most of which I can't post while the projects are in production. Some are tighter than others, while some even I can't figure out a day later. Here's a set from some preproduction animation done early in the development of the Ratatouille video game. You'll notice this rat bears little resemblance to the characters in the movie. That's because when these we're done Pixar was months away from nailing down their character designs, and we were working from very limited reference.

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